Jun 18, 2010

Buy More

I find my tech-desires get more ridiculous now that I no longer have a job.  Of course I need an upgraded 360, a new phone, or the Ipad...and why shouldn't I have one?  Possessing the latest and greatest seems so worthwhile as an end in itself - luckily my common sense (and limited bank account) quickly return to mind and I don't press "Check-Out Now."  The pursuit of possessions just doesn't fuel me anymore, and when I see a posting like this one from gizmodo it makes me smile.  Whether it's Steve Jobs, the prophet of hip, delivering some device in his all-black priestly garb to an excited cathedral of tech-junkies or the scientific "utopia" of the modernist project, it all seems so fleeting to me.  Yes, I'm sure one day we'll all live to be 500, with flawless skin, enormous penises, and robotic maids, but what does that have to do with living my life now?  Sometimes I think Technology has replaced Magic, Religion, and most recently Science as the seller of salvation.  And while I wouldn't mind a cold pint from the fountain of youth, I'm not planning on finding it on tap anytime soon.  I'm worried that our futurist outlook as a society keeps us from living in the present, experiencing connections around us, and celebrating the beauty and tragedy of life as is.  Then again, I really want a new phone.

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