Jun 21, 2010

20 things I hate

I'm in a bad mood, so I thought I'd spread some negative feelings around.
I absolutely hate:

20. when people rant and rave about random crap
19. environmental disasters without new environmental policy
18. car registration, parking fines, and the DMV
17. blindly worshipping  __________________ (fill in the blank)
16. all the idiots who drive too slow and the maniacs who drive too fast
15. Washington Mutual
14. growing older, but not wiser
13. grading papers where students didn't even try
12. any movie written, produced, or acted in by the Wayans Brothers
11. holidays that were invented by hallmark
10. pretentious vocabulary
9. calling something "retarded"
8. Kate Perry's music
7. when someone tells someone else to "shut-up"
6. scotch hangovers
5. homogeneity
4. paying over 10 dollars to see a movie
3. holidays that celebrate war
2. politics
1. white guys with dreads

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