There's so much hatred in the world that it feels daunting at times to even address it. Civility, tolerance, liberty from oppression - these are all concepts our world is lacking despite claims to the contrary. I've been deeply saddened by the slew of anti-gay rhetoric and violence that doesn't seem to be abating. Not to mention the ways that even mainstream media and politics treats members of the LGBT community as second-class citizens. These are our neighbors, family members, friends - human beings who are mistreated by their own communities for no good reason. Many of us are appalled by how the homosexual community has been treated, we are just drowned out by a vocal minority who are hateful and profoundly unhappy. I am ashamed that I haven't done more to address this human rights issue, so let me start with this: for all ways in which I have been complicit in our culture of hate and intolerance, I am profoundly sorry.
A couple things worth checking out if you want to stop the work of those working against the LGBT community. Check out if you want to learn how to support the equal right to marry, or GLAAD if you want to donate to support the work of those stemming the tide of anti-gay images and words in the media. For those struggling with their own sexual identities, you are not alone and despite the vitriole, there is a huge community of people who love and support you. I'll leave you with this statement from a Christian rally in Florida that happened 2 days ago: "Too many times, religion has been used to demonize and persecute LGBT people, just as religion has and continues to be used to justify oppression of other communities. But we’re not standing for this and we’re not staying silent. The Gospel of Jesus Christ calls us to work for justice, inclusion and right relationship for all people, and all means all."